måndag 3 december 2012

Saying Good byes and flying back home.

And so the adventure has come to an end!

My past nine weeks has been amazing, heartbreaking, crazy fun, exhausting, beautiful, dirty, lovely and awful. I've met awesome people, some who will be my friends for life. I've heard the stories and the destiny of women living through hell but keeping their head up high. I've lost some of my hearing due to car horns and traffic ;) I've experienced the colorful and vibrant culture of the bangladeshis.

I had mixed emotions about saying good bye to everyone. It's a strange feeling not knowing when I'll see a person again. I was also very ready to go home and see my family and friends again. 

Good bye flat mates!

Bye bye co-workers of ASK!

The flight home went smooth (except for some annoyances by the customs as it turned out my visa had expired) and I slept most of the way. The last two hours thou seemed to last forever.
It felt surreal walking down the stairs from the airport into the crisp air and the snowy landscapes. I was probably the happiest girl in the whole country when I walked through the gates and saw Andreas.

The next few weeks will be spent processing all my experiences from the past two months as well as (hopefully) finishing my thesis.
So, good bye for now Bangladesh!
 Take care.