måndag 24 september 2012

SIDA's 3-day introductory course!

I'm spending three days in beautiful Härnösand for the SIDA 3-day introductory course.
 (SIDA: Swedish Board of International Developement Cooperation)

                                           (The beautiful Härnösand SIDA-building)
I arrived last night and didn't have a clue about how to get from the train station to SIDA, but was lucky enough to ask a very sweet couple for directions as they ended up driving me there. Considering the 5 degrees Celsius outside you can imagine my gratitude. I ensured them that a truck load of good karma would be coming their way.

Today has been intense but fun and very useful. I was stoked to find one of my classmates in the breakfast room this morning! He is going on a MFS to Malawi but I didn't know he was going to be here. It is always nice to see a familiar face.

The lectures started at 8 am this morning and finished at 9 pm. Tomorrow will be just as intense and the day will end with a scheduled Skype-call with a person from Bangladesh that I get to ask about anything I want to know! Yay! I've got about one hundred questions already. Poor hen (:him/her).


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