måndag 29 oktober 2012

A slice of Paradise!

It's hard to describe with words the paradise we are in right now!

My man arrived 5am on friday morning and made this little swede the happiest girl in the world. We spent the day with a little bit of shopping and checking out my Niketon neighborhood. On saturday we got a taxi to the airport and on our way there witnessed a mass slaughter of cows going on along the high way because of Eid Celebrations! After a one hour flight we arrived in Cox's Bazaar, caught a CNG to Mermaid Resort and arrived to PARADISE!
Arrived at the airport!
First view when we got to Mermaid Resort


Delicious lobster!
We got a very warm welcome by the lovely staff and a short boat ride to our Ashram. And WOW. We couldn't believe our eyes! Endless beaches in both directions and, except for some fisher men and a few kids playing here and there, we had it ALL to our selves! The Ashram only has two cottages and is cared for by an indigenous family of 7. We settled in and had our first lunch- Lobster delivered to our house. We then enjoyed a few drinks in the sunset and when we sat there on the beach our neighbors from the other cottage, Bob & Nathalie, walked pass. Imagine our surprise when we realized that Nathalie actually grew up in the same town that we are from in Sweden!!! Insane! :) We shared a drink with them and went swimming in the sunset together.

Sunset swin!
We had a very lazy morning on our second day. Breakfast by the beach and some hammock-hang-out before we went walking along the beach down to another Mermaid Café about a kilometer away. Delicious food and the best milkshakes we ever tasted. After that we went for a walk with one of the staff- the artist Mr. Englishman :) - who showed us a private beach where we went swimming, chasing crabs and watching the sunset.

Today we went into Cox's Bazaar so that Andreas could get a massage and I managed to donate my Visa card to one of the ATM's. BUMMER. I'll (hopefully) get it back tomorrow thou!!

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