onsdag 3 oktober 2012

Amar ghar / My room

Another intense day! But just as fun!

I slept like a rock for ten hours straight and almost over slept, but after a quick brekkie I got on the road in a CNG (kind of like a rickshaw-motorbike but with a cage over it) and fought my way through traffic to get to my organization in Lalmatia. I was greeted in the elevator by two of the team members of the unit where I will be working and they took me to their office where the whole team was waiting.
They asked me to tell them about myself, my family and my study and when I was done they took turns in introducing themselves. They made it clear that I was considered a part of the team now and gave me my schedule for the next few weeks. I'll be way more busy than I thought I would, but I'm stoked about it. I had lunch at the organization cantina and tried my best to master the hand eating skills- to the entertainment of my colleges :) They said I did ok thou.

After five hours at the office I went to a shop and got myself another Salwar before I hailed a CNG and made my way back to the guest house through CRRRRRAAAAAAZZZZYYYY traffic!! I picked up my bags and caught another CNG to MY NEW HOME! :)

My oasis!

A colorful bundle of shawls (and a fjällräven)! 

After getting settled in I had a chat to my roomie Nobuko and around 7pm Hasan-the-Bangla-Angel (thats your nickname from now on Hasan ;) ) came to pick me up and we went for a really nice dinner at Nando's in Gulshan. 

Tomorrow will be another big day and it's time for me to charge my batteries, so Good Night to ya'll! 

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